Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Best Pressure Points for Nuad Thai Foot Reflexology

Thai Foot reflexology is the art of ancient healing combining Indian Ayuvedic and Chinese principle, acupressure and assisted yoga in many years ago. The application of pressure onto particular areas and to different points on the feet stimulate the body’s healing power to reduce stress, relieve aches, pain, and tired feet, improve sleep, bring peace of mind, relieve sinus headaches, improve circulation, and increase energy.

Reflexology is generally relaxing also is stimulated by the manipulation of each specific area correspond to organs and systems of the body. Thai reflexology and Foot massage incorporates use hands, fingers, thumbs, knuckles, and a rounded wooden stick with lotion to promote not only relax but benefit as therapeutic and healthy therapy.

Headaches and Migraines

Deep soak your feet in to the warm water with herb tea in 15 minute is including of Thai foot reflexology treatment for any of stress and painful. There are 2 pressure points on the foot, which are the zones that correspond to the head. The big toe, the second digit next to the big toe and the depression between these 2 toes correspond to the head. Your “Nuad Thai” expert will do a fingers and thumbs walk by applying the right amount of pressure, over each toe (on the left and right foot), up the backs of your toes, down the front of each toe, and between the valley of the toes and the foot.

Neck Pain and Stiffness

Pain in the neck or stiffness occurs due to stress, inaccurate neck posture, or from a sudden sprain. The most significant zones on the feet for relieving neck pain are those points associated with the cervical vertebrae. The spinal reflex areas are located on the inner edges and the medial of each foot. The medial side of each foot corresponds to each side of the spine (the right side of your foot corresponding to the right side of the spine and the left median corresponding to the left side of the spine). The center edge of the foot nearest the big toe correlates to the cervical spine. The neck or lower part of the toes, from the top to the bottom of the foot, correlate to the neck.

Shoulder Instability and Pain

A frozen or painful shoulder can happen due to many reasons. Foot reflexology and acupressure provides instant relief. The basic pressure points where your Nuad Thai Reflexologist will apply pressure are those areas between the valley of your second and third digits on your feet, the outside edges of the balls of your feet, the line along the tops of the feet, and just below the toes. The bottom inside balls of the feet, just above the ridge, correspond to the solar plexus.

Chronic or Sudden Back Pain

Regardless of whether your back pain is sporadic, intermittent or chronic, reflexology techniques can help ease the pain and give you either short term or long term relief. The zones on the inner edges of your feet, around your heel and ankle correspond to the spine, while the tops of your feet (toes), the base of your toes and the sole, all correspond to your upper back and shoulders. The arch of the foot corresponds to the lumbar region.

Knowledge of the right pressure points gives you an edge in choosing the best Nuad Thai experts. This expertise coupled with the soothing ambience of a spa, will provide you with the ultimate relaxation and healing therapy. Let Boulder Nuad Thai pamper your feet with natural healing therapy to get your feet and your health well being on the road.